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Preity Mandawewala

Feb 21, 2019


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Bindu Chakra Breath | Pranayama for Bindu Chakra | Earth Empaths Temple Practices

May 31, 2019

SoMa Mantra introduction and Daily Morning Prayer: ​


 The Kindest Revolution

Bindu Chakra Breath | Pranayama for Bindu Chakra | Earth Empaths Temple Practices | 

Some of these ancient practices never had names : 

just "pranayama with 15 breaths". 

I call this "15 breaths" for Bindu Chakra activation 

for our Temple practices.

Namaste, Susan

#binduchakra #pranayamforbinduchakra #earthempaths

Indian Vedic School

Chakras (Class 22) : 

Bindu Visarga - Chakra Jnana bandhana

Aug 27, 2018

There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. 

To visualize a chakra in the body, imagine a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet. 

This invisible energy, called Prana, is vital life force, which keeps us vibrant, healthy, and alive.

Teacher Name : Satish Kumar Kotthuri

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